Thursday, November 06, 2008

Spencer and Flour

So, Spencer has this thing about flour. He LOVES it!! One time while I was baking, I spilled a bunch on the floor. He came running in the kitchen and said, "Sank you, mommy." Then he started licking it off the floor. (Not for long, though.) Today, I was putting 25 pounds of flour in another container and as soon as he saw it, he said, "Oh Mommy, can I have some?" I think flour by itself is SO disgusting, but not Spencer. He LOVES it!!


The Crazy Heads said...

Don't you love when kids have that weird food addiction. Ali's is to raw noodles. Flour, that's a new one that I have never heard of.

Julianne said...

Taylor loves flour too! She calls it sugar and always has to have a few scoops when we're baking.

Dawna said...

What a funny little kid! I can't imagine eating raw flour, but as a kid I would beg my mom for spoonfuls of brown sugar when she was baking. I tried that again about a year ago and about puked (though I'd take spoonfuls of sugar over spoonfuls of flour any day!)

susan said...
